The American Prosthodontic Society is an international organization of dentists interested in the replacement of lost teeth. It brings together the general practitioner, the specialist, and dental technologist, and sponsors scientific seminars and meetings to broaden their knowledge in this field. Today the APS is recognized as one of the great organizations of dentistry. General practitioners and specialists working in tandem for 72 years have advanced the cause of dental health by broadcasting knowledge of prosthodontics. For years, the annual roster lists a most distinguished Roll of Honor in dentistry and prosthodontics.
Their meeting in February, 20/21, was an Extreme Digital Meeting bringing people from all around the world to lecture about this hot topic.
Discussions centered around the future of prosthodontics and the achievability that arises from interdisciplinary collaboration between clinicians and laboratory technicians.
Dr. Carlo Poggio put together an international line up of speaker trying to cover all the aspects of digital dentistry. The Agnini brothers were part of this line up analyzing the “Evolution of Complex Prosthodontic cases, from Analogue to Digital”. The speakers line up included as well Nazariy Mihajiliuk, Miguel Stanley, Marcelo Calamita, Alessandro Pozzi and Rade Paravina among others.
The next APS event will be held in Chicago the 25/26 February 2021, with another incredible line up of speakers, which include, among others, Mario Imburgia, one of the DDR Education Team members.