Fixed Orthodontics
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with diagnosing and resolving anomalies in the positioning of the teeth and the hard and soft tissues in order to recreate an harmonious and functional smile. Orthodontics is indicated for both young and adult patients, with no age limit. Specifically, in children between 6-7 years old is usually advised to undergo a first orthodontic visit in order to intercept and correct any possibile alterations in the development of the mouth and the lower third of the face. For this purpose, fixed or removable braces may be used by the specialist according to the characteristics and the needs of the single patient.
The benefits of Fixed Orthodontics
Aligned teeth with no gaps
An healthier and nicer smile
Favors oral hygiene and gum health
Improves self-esteem
Improves occlusion and functionality
Improves chewing
Improves the quality of the speech
Improves the breathing
Stable results over time