DDR Education – A first year full of satisfaction

2015 has been an intense first year, but also rich of satisfaction, for the Digital Dental Revolution Eduction (DDR), born form the homonyms book edited, in English and in Italian, by Quintessence Publication in 2014. Alessandro and Andrea Agnini have infact participated as invited speakers in 32 Italian and International dental meetings, traveling over 4 continents and lecturing in front of more than 8000 dentists worldwide.

The educational activity however, was not only focused in external lectures , but also at the DDR Education Center in Sassuolo were organized a 1 year prosthetic program and a 6 months Implantology Program for Italian Dentists and 4 International Advanced Surgery Program (3 days each).

Also the DDR Education Social Network pages (Instagram and Facebook) gained an unexpected success, reaching over 3400 followers in less than a year.
2016 will bring a lot of novelties in terms of speakers and internal organization, with the goal of spreading every day more the new Digital Dental Word.


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