The Agnini Brothers lecturing at the ICOI Meeting in Miami

Clinicians currently experiencing chilly winter weather may want to plan to spend some time in Miami as the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium moves to the Doral International resort in Miami. The dates for this year’s conference will be Feb. 12-14, and event planners suggest you bring your spouse with you for Valentine’s Day. This travel mecca for golfers has four outstanding courses, including the famous and tough  Blue Monster.

But the social offerings are not limited to golf options. The Trump National Doral has everything a world-class resort has to offer, including deluxe sleeping rooms and suites, spa facilities, two swimming pools/cabanas and premiere dining.

Keeping with the theme of this year’s winter meeting, “Global Innovation, Collaboration and Practical Concepts to Achieve Dental Implant Success,” the ICOI’s Scientific Chair, Dr. Scott Ganz, has put together a truly international faculty.

For this educational experience, ICOI will feature the following speakers: Drs. Alessandro Agnini and Andrea Agnini, Modena, Italy; Dr. Orlando Alvarez, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Christian Coachman, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Dr. Lesley David, Toronto, Canada; Dr. German Gallucci, Boston, Mass.; Dr. Scott Ganz, Fort Lee, N.J.; Dr. Gerald Grant, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. Steven Guttenberg, Washington, D.C.; Lars Hansson, MDT, CDT, Chesapeake, Va.; Dr. Christian Makary, Beirut, Lebanon; Dr. Craig Misch, Sarasota, Fla.; Dr. Josep Oliva, Barcelona, Spain; Dr. Paul Ouellette, Jacksonville, Fla.; Dr. Selim Pamuk, Istanbul, Turkey; Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT, Staten Island, N.Y.; Dr. Marco Rinaldi, Bologna, Italy; Dr. Alain Simonpieri, Beasoleil, France; Dr. Tomaso Vercellotti, Genoa, Italy; and Dr. Aldo Vicari Padovan, Caracas, Venezuela. Finally, the symposium will feature a special presentation by Dr. Carl E. Misch.

Prior to the start of the general session at 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 12, the ICOI is pleased to hold several pre-symposium workshops
To learn more about the ICOI’s symposium in Miami, visit

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