Monday the 19, the Agnini Brothers and doctor Roberto Apponi had the opportunity to lecture to the Dental Students of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. Established in 1878, Penn Dental Medicine is among the oldest university-affiliated dental schools in the nation. Penn’s 12 schools are located on a singular campus within walking distance of
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L’edizione IDS 2015, il più grande avvenimento dentale dell’anno con oltre partecipanti, ha riscontrato un notevole successo. La fiera si sviluppava attorno agli 11 padiglioni della zona fieristica di Colonia, nei quali erano presenti oltre 900 stand di imprese dentali che presentavano le ultimissime novità del MERCATO. I dottori Alessandro ed Andrea Agnini sono
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During the last few months, the Agnini Brothers did few interviews on Digital Dentistry in different international scientific journals. Thanks to John Battersby, freelance based in Singapore, different Cad Cam Dentistry Asian Journal, the italian brothers shared their opinion on this peculiar moment that Modern Dentistry is going through, highlighting the increasing importance of the
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In July 2015, the Agnini Brothers became ACTIVE MEMBERS of the bewborne Digital Dentistry Society. The Digital Revolution is changing the world: computers and Digital devices are making what were previously manual tasks easier, faster, cheaper and more predictable. Even in Dentistry, Digital technologies are rapidly advancing: new tools such as intra/ extra-oral scanners, cone beam computed tomography
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2015 has been an intense first year, but also rich of satisfaction, for the Digital Dental Revolution Eduction (DDR), born form the homonyms book edited, in English and in Italian, by Quintessence Publication in 2014. Alessandro and Andrea Agnini have infact participated as invited speakers in 32 Italian and International dental meetings, traveling over 4
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Alessandro and Andrea Agnini will lecture at the 16th King Saud University International Dental Conference and the 27th for the Saudi Dental Society from 5 to 7 of January. The theme for this year’s conference is “Regenerative Dentistry”, which together with Regenerative Medicine, is based on the natural ability of body cells and tissues to
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The 27 King Saud University Dental Meeting, held in Riyadh from the 5 to the 7 of January, has been a great success in terms of science and attendance:infact, more than 3000 dentists took part of this incredible event organized to celebrate the 40 anniversary of the King Saud University. The scientific program, besides the main
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Clinicians currently experiencing chilly winter weather may want to plan to spend some time in Miami as the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium moves to the Doral International resort in Miami. The dates for this year’s conference will be Feb. 12-14, and event planners suggest you bring your spouse with you for Valentine’s Day. This travel
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The 3 of March in Moscow, Alpha Bio launched the NeO Implant System in the Russian Market. The NeO presents a range of advanced design features, including a unique coronal cutting flute, innovative shape of variable threads combined with two micro threads and a patent-pending centering feature of the apical part. The state-of-the art design
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The Agnini Brothers were the Keynote Speakers at the Henry Schein’s 6th Annual Digital Symposium. CAD/CAM technology is revolutionising dentistry as we know it. GDPs who have incorporated digital solutions into their practices have found significantly improved workflow efficiency and ease of collaboration with laboratories. Patients treated with digital solutions benefit from the combination of
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